Welcome to…YOUR It Girl Era.

I’m taking 10 women for a month transformation like never before - come out like a completely different bitch (think Become the "It" Girl on steroids) 

This is a deep feminine energy healing.

This is a full month of transformative energy healing and subconscious reprogramming to access and embody your magnetic feminine power.

Are you having a hard time asking for what you want?

Are you dimming yourself for the comfort of others?

Have you allowed yourself to be silenced?

Have you accepted way less than what feels good?

Do you feel safe to express yourself?

Have you been taken advantaged off? Emotionally, sexually, physically, or even mentally?

Have you ever been told to sit down and shut up?

Or told to not be dramatic?

Live Meetup

Live meetups once a week for the month 


Connect with other amazing women


Group container to hold each other accountable

Private IG Chat

Group chat to stay connected and aligned

And now you are just living your life dimming your light for the comfort of others over and over and.. over again.

Now you have told yourself the lie that your opinion, emotions, feelings, and beliefs aren’t important.

BUT.. You have forgotten something. 

Something VERY important.

You have forgotten that you hold the
power as a woman.

You have forgotten that you have a legit portal between your legs that is responsible for all of human life being here.

You have forgotten that in biblical terms God claimed women as “the messiah”
I'm Ready To JOIN
So.. you may be wondering.. “WHO is the ‘It Girl’ and how do I become her and be in my IT girl era?”
The great news is.. you ARE her. 
She’s already within you. And she always has been.
And guess what? She has a divine right from God to have a skyrocketing self image, insane knowing of worthiness, and a high sense of self love.
Maybe she got suppressed inside of there because of wounded masculine or wounded feminine energy that was around you growing up by the people who raised you.
Maybe she has been silenced because of a societal belief of “women have to be overworking to get ahead.”
Maybe she has been told she’s “less than” because of the magazines and media you saw as a teenager telling you getting attention is all about “physical looks”
Maybe she has been abused.
Maybe she has been not taken seriously.
Whatever it is.. it doesn’t matter. 
Those things are bullshit lies.
Every single one of them.
It is your divine right to tap into your magnetic “it” girl within you.
And now all you get to do is allow her to come out and unleash her. 

That’s why I have created this It Girl Era transformation month.

This is more than just a “magnetic energy” month…

 ⁃ We will be doing deep feminine healing and embodiment work.
  We will be connecting you to your feminine power within.
  We will be healing masculine wounds.
  We will be skyrocketing your self image 
  We will be tapping you back into remembering who the fuck you are and your divine feminine power within. 
Which all leads to… becoming magnetic AF and creating that effortless “it girl energy” that turns heads as you walk into a room. 
It leads to being treated with high value and respect.
It leads to getting the things you desire with much less resistance.
It leads to peace within your heart.
I will be your guide to taking you step by step on helping you remember and connect to your soul’s feminine powerhouse energy and giving you brain reprogramming and energetic shifting tools that you can do not only this month but for the rest of your life. 
This is NOT about taking the men of the world down to bring yourself up.
This is about doing the inner work, the reprogramming work, and undoing the conditioning that the media has ill intently purposely programmed into women to make them feel less powerful. 
In fact, the ones in control of all of mainstream media have purposely pinned men & women against each other. And because of this women have taken on the belief that they are “less powerful”
We will NOT be taking others down to bring ourselves up.
This is about a deep authentic journey of finding deep love, value, purpose, power, and desire for yourself from within. 
If you want to continue to blame and stay in “victim mode” this transformation month is not for you.

How it will work:

I will be accepting 10 women into this transformation month (a small group so I can make sure everyone gets my attention)


We will meet live once a week for an hour for 4 weeks in a row. (if you can’t make it live everyone will have access to recordings) 


I will be giving you feminine energy embodiment tools, self image healing tools, self love healing tools, and we’ll be healing the masculine energy wounds. 

We will all be in a private Instagram DM group together where througho ut the month you can connect with the community, have accountability, and ask any Q’s.

Spots are limited to 10 women

Live dates:
February 23rd 
March 2nd
March 9th 
March 16th 
Times will be decided on as a group once spots are filled.

If these are just some of the incredible results from a 1.5 hour live event.. imagine what results a full month of in depth inner work will bring!